Rudi Zimmerer

Be Happy Now!

Be Happy Now!
Never condition yourself that you can be happy only when you have/got/achieved something… You can be happy only now. And only without reason… Think over: What is the most precious moment in Your life?-

This moment (Zen master: Thích Nhất Hạnh). Do You know why most rich and successful people fail to be happy? Because they never got enough, they want always more… And this is also the reason that they are so successful… If you can’t stop the train of desires you never will be happy… When I was growing up I saw that by my very successful father. He was continuously unhappy, instead to be happy and thankful for what he had gained. Imagine, he had to go with 15 in the War, was 3 years in the French lager, lost everything and after some years he was very successful and later rich. The money had corrupted the mind of the rich… just like a drug… I want more, I want more;- this is an addiction for money, wealth, success and power…It never will end, until we decide that we are thankful for the things that we have now. If we can’t enjoy the small things than we can’t enjoy our life… Oscar Wild said: we are the small things in our life and not the big things… This means small things are reflecting our life. If I rush from one thing to the next thing, because I have to do so much…… Then this is an escape from the moment or from our happiness, because we are occupied and can’t feel anymore… just like a drug….There was a successful woman in doing goal setting, working plans for her customer. One day she was sitting in a restaurant, got red spots on her skin, emergency car… When she gained back her consciousness, she said: I have failed to plan my life. I didn’t had enough time to be together with my love ones…. My whole life, I was running from one appointment to the next and forgot to live. And at the end of such an occupied life, the death is waiting …. Just to schedule free time and to enjoy this moment regardless what we are doing, … this is life….

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