Rudi Zimmerer

Can I not be happy with what I have?

We limit ourself through our childhood…
Our parents and teachers created our belief system and so they restricted us.

Like an elephant who is tied up by a small rope and even think that he can’t free himself.
Because when he was a baby this rope could keep him tied…
Today, even a big chain can easily be broken by an elephant.

And then we experience that we can so much more and get chained by huge responsibilities and work…
Later we die through a heart attack or cancer!

So what, even I would be the president of the USA and be HONEST and would bring PEACE to the world instead to make wars…
That never have happened before or will happen…
Do you think that I would be happier?

For what are such positions good to compensate our minority feelings?

Or should we be the hero of the stupid mass for what is that good?

Instead to enjoy our life and be happy with what we have!

I am my hero by myself and I don’t need the adoration or decoration of that stupid mass!

I can be a hero every moment and just so, without to get recognized by the mass!

And that can everybody. For what we need that recognition of the media?
Psychology proved we need recognition or to be loved by others because we don’t love ourself!

And then the people imagine that their friends, family… will be at their grave and crying…
What a shame that he died, he was so good…
That he changed the world…

What a nonsense…
We cannot care anymore what happens on our grave…
Because then we are dead.

Just enjoy this moment and the next moment and you never will have more…

The past is gone, the future is not now…
But this single moment, you can love your girlfriend, kids…

Love yourself instead to depend on the love and recognition from other people!
Do what makes you happy and look that you have enough time to enjoy your journey!

My Video: Can I not be happy with what I have?
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