Rudi Zimmerer

You can be Right or Happy?

My video on You Tube:

What you want to be? This means to be right might not be the solution at all…
We are together with different (than you) people and even with different people (than you) in deep relationships… And from this point on who decides who is right or wrong?
From our mind, we are always right and the other person in front of us who shares a different opinion must be wrong… Because our experience/knowledge have proved that we are right …. The problem is, the other person thinks the same…

In previous time it was much easier, get your club and beat it on the other head, like Oberlix and Asterix had done it…. Who was stronger was right. Simple and easy…. And today it might be the same in many cases. This means if the other guy has the power and we even tried the best persuasion techniques and we had no chance… let him be right and us happy… And leave the spot…

If we try first to build up rapport and saying in the beginning: “I understand” or even better: “you are right. “ We get out of the situation from beating us up with the clubs. (Still I prefer the clubs, because I am stronger). And then we can ask his/her opinion. After some time we asking for permission to share our opinion… So that the harmony and balance is the focus and not to be right in the first place…

Another situation is, there are quite a lot of people who like to argue like crazy, even they are lying and total wrong…. for what I should waste my precious time…and turn me down… I go as fast as possible … let the dogs bark, it is their habit to bark and me be happy….

We want to sell something and watch the body language of the other person…. Gerry Roberts, one of the most profitable speaker in the world, said simple, if the buyer/customer lean backwards I go up and leave this place, because he had already signaled with his body that he don’t like to buy.

This means if we watch always the body language… or watch the feelings of the communicating person we are in a much better place than just to argue… And then we can decide much faster to leave a meaningless discussion and be happy.

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