Rudi Zimmerer

Episode 19 Wolfgang and the Kundalini

After I lost our unborn baby, I was desperate and crying for months…
My family separated from me and my community fall apart, because the girls liked to marry…

Then I met a friend in January on the street… And I saw his shining eyes like from a baby…
I wondered what had happened to him… and asked… It was pretty cold -10Celsius and snow on the street… we went to his home… And he told me what was happening to him.

All his stories sounded crazy, but his eyes told another story… I trusted my intuition and accepted him as my master to get the kundalini…,

In my situation was it easy to start something new and to let go my tragic past…
I had a half day job and my project was ending… Even so, I had worked overtime as usual, this was the reason that I wanted only a half time job…

We made very exhausting exercises like jumping continuously with hands up for 1 to 5 hours.
Also, I was trained by Wolfgang as a therapist for bionenergetic and encounter and had to care for his clients.

We opened the channel to God, to ask God… so that everything was okay with God.
This means total surrender to God!

Yes, you can ask God when you have opened your heart for God.
I know how to do it in the right way.

We got supervised from a highly spiritual person, and we were nearly the only ones that could do that in Bremen… 200 people got checked and only we were okay!

Then we went to Michael Barnett, I became also his devote… We got his energy healing and afterward…

We got forecasted (by God) that I will get my Kundalini in France at the Michael Barnett Summer festival…

Before I had to go to my parents, to say Good Bye; to separate in a peaceful way; to finish up what was already done in a bad way.

We went to France; I attended the festival and Wolfgang not. At the festival nothing happened to me… And when Wolfgang met me at the end… He said You got it…

He became psychotic when we drove back… And the Kundalini hit us hard…

We both lost the body identification; our bodies were shaking by simple Yoga exercises and we were giggling like crazy… And that could not cope Wolfgang…

Afterward, we had to go to the Humaniversity in Holland and to attend the group “Giggling” with the famous therapist Vereesh. Vereesh is famous for the most strenuous/challenging encounter groups like his psycho “Marathon group” (42 hours no sleep). I was afraid to go there… They separated us…

We created there a perfect chaos, independently from each other. The therapists were crying and we were giggling. We got our money back and could meet the famous Vereesh as intended. The whole thing worked out magically…

Resume… In the world exist so many fake gurus and people who think that they got the truth, spirituality, or have connection to the Lord…

We have in the spiritual world so many bad spirits that like to destroy us, to make us mad/insane… If we open the spiritual channel, we have to watch what we are channeling… most of the time we get bad spirits…

The bad spirits flatter us, to give us vanity and then they misdirect us and so we can’t follow God anymore. Or the other people think that they can channel and they can’t.
We need a high spiritual person that checks us.

So, meditation is a must and to discriminate what we are channeling…

My Video: Episode 19 Wolfgang and the Kundalini

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