Rudi Zimmerer

Why feelings sells and data tells?

Imagine you want to buy a new Mobil phone …. You go in a shop with very many different Mobil phones and then you go through technical description… and finally you buy this Mobil phone because of your rational decision…

It can not be so far from the Truth… Even before we have decided to buy this specific Mobil phone our subconscious had made already the decision before we went in this shop. The subconscious wanted a phone and then it had secretly scanned all information about Mobil phones the weeks ago in the media and then it gives us the command to buy a Mobil phone in this shop… Still our conscious mind needs an explanation why we want this Mobil phone… And then we read all information (or only the information that is needed) to convince our conscious mind over the decision that had made our subconscious already.

It is true that our subconscious mind is deciding for every aspect of our life…. A good sales women/men knows that already… In order to sell stuff, the customer need to be open for buying or in a buying mode…. Imagine a very lovable person (beautiful, sympathetic man or woman) are coming in front of you and give you a bewitching smile, you directly open your heart and are ready to serve this person in order to get the next smile… Sure in this situation it is easy to sell us stuff, even we didn’t had been open for a sale before… If you are great in selling, you even don’t need to be beautiful, just you build up rapport with the customer, so that the customer feel well and trust you… Then selling from every nonsense is possible… Because the ratio of the mind is in such situation switched off… After we feel sympathy, the sales person is giving us the reason, why we should buy this product…

Mostly of all Internet Information Products use this formula: selling a dream that never will happen… Hook us up with our greed (to become rich, successful, beautiful, thin,.. ) switch of our rational mind…. The advance techniques are using hypnosis or sublime information, … It works.

How is the advertisement working? For instance you want to address in the advertisement a woman, then in the advertisement are 2 men and 1 woman…. Normally the best advertisement are using children as decision maker… because they are much easier to convince then the parents… Afterward the kids convince the parents.

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