Rudi Zimmerer

How to become free?

What is freedom?

Is freedom to be free of obligations and responsibilities?

Is the freedom to take drugs and do not feel the suffering anymore?

Does the society love that we become free?

Does our society love to enslave us and to determine our life?

Who loves that we become free?

Can we have freedom when we have to care about rules?

Can we have freedom in a limited space of our life?

Who limits our space of freedom?

Can we be free even when we are in a prison or a lager?

Is freedom only to have a choice or even more?

If we are honest then we have to admit that most of our obligations what we should do are not relevant to our life. We have even chosen these obligations and we don’t have to do them.

If we stick to rules and feel responsible then this is also our choice.

If I shoot a photo… I can’t demand that I have 24 hours of daylight with the beautiful golden light before sunset or after sunrise.

I am obligated to the cycle of the day, the weather to get the right light for my sunset picture.

Still, I have the freedom to shoot the image.

And so is it with all issues in our life.

We all have the freedom to choose at least in one particular area.

Even if we are in a lager we can choose our thoughts and feel free.

We can choose:

How we can make our jobs.

Our attitude, and that is the most important thing in our life.

That we confirm the society or that we live what we like to live.

With which people we are together in our leisure time.

To get rid of our TV.

To free us from the time-wasting media
that can’t help us,
can’t make us happy,
or can’t make us laugh.

To smile to our child and spouse.

To be friendly and loving even in difficult times.

To live a healthy lifestyle with enough body exercise and healthy food.

To meditate, and to praise the lord.

My Video: How to become free?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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