Rudi Zimmerer

How to boost our Immune system?

Enough sex
Enough exercise
Chi Gong and Yoga
Meditation and prayer
Good healthy environment
Enough rest
Enough sunlight
Fresh sprouts
Fresh pressed juice from vegetables and fruits
Raw foods
Fermented vegetables
Vegetables cooked with grains or potatoes
Superfoods like raw, unprocessed cacao powder, wheatgrass, and spirulina powder

What Makes Our Immune System Weak?

1. Stress
2. Depression
3. Anger
4. Too little exercise
5. Too much sex
6. Time spent with bad people
7. Unhealthy environment where you work and live
8. Western medicine
9. Drugs, including smoking and coffee
10. Industrially processed food, because it is dead food without enzymes
11. Pizza, with cheese, over-baked food,
12. Twice or more heated up food
13. White sugar, all vegetable oil
14. Pies, Tarts, Cookies, Cakes, junk food

To 5. Too much sex drains the body and weakens the body. Everybody has to find out for themselves what is too much or too little sex.

To 6. Bad people will pull us down emotionally, and that will negatively affect our immune system.

To 7. It is proven that when we work in a beautiful, healthy place, then we are much more motivated than if we work in a dirty, loud, and unhealthy place. It also affects our immune system. Offices that offer employees a good healthy environment, found out that employee absences due to diseases were reduced by 50%.

To 8. Western medicine is like shooting at a bird with a nuclear bomb. It destroys our good well-organized immune system. For instance, antibiotics kill all bacteria in our body and even worse in our colon. Actually, we need the bacteria in our body, only some bacteria are bad.


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