Rudi Zimmerer

How to spot lies?

How to find out who is lying?

There exist sciences proved evident how to spot a liar.

First, we should find out:

Why people lie?
Or why do we lie?

Be honest!

If we would tell everything our sweetheart,…
Think this over what will happen?

In a relationship should we keep a secret so that our partner doesn’t get hurt?
Or should we tell the truth immediately even it breaks the person?

We lie to protect our friends and us from the truth.

We are against lying and covertly for it, and that starts with our childhood.

The truth hurts.
And the truth always finds his way, regardless of how good we cover it up.

We can only postpone the truth and never suppress it all the time.
In the meantime, we win time. And that is good so.

Lying is an attempt to bridge our fantasias how we wish to be or what we really like…

In average we lie 10 to 200 times/day

When strangers meet each other, they lie 3 times in the first 10 minutes

1.) We lie more to strangers than to coworker.
2.) Extroverts lie more than introverts.
3.) Men lie 8times more to themselves than to other people.
4.) Women lie more to protect other people.
5.) Married couples lie 10% in every underlying action why they do it.

What is if we deceive or to cheat a person to profit from that?.

The Corporations in the USA cheat nearly 1 Trillion Dollar per year. This is huge and even better than the organized crime!

How to cheat and deceive?

Find out what the people want and are hungry for…
And then sell dreams and deliver B.S. like the Motivation speaker, Stock market trader.

Because everybody is willing to give you something whatever they are hungry for…

When you don’t like to be deceived look for what you are hungry for…

And recognize these Cheaters with their:

1.) Easy to get rich-formula,
2.) to get healthy,
3.) to lose weight,
4.) to become attractive…
5.) to become successful.

Most of all Motivation speaker, Marketing experts use our hungriness to cheat us.

If we want to spot a lie, we need the reason why that person will lie.

1.) The person likes to distance himself from that subject he/she lies about.

2.) We have to communicate with that person to find out if he/she is lying.

3.) An honest person is likely cooperative, open, helpful to get to the truth, provide details.

4.) A dishonest person is withdrawn, looking down, lower their voice, pause.

5.) If you ask a deceptive guy to tell their story… he/she brings too many details which nobody will care for (irrelevant), and he/she illogically tells their story.

6.) Then ask them to tell their story backward… they can’t.

7.) Or the liar gets fast furious about the topic, and when you change the subject, the anger disappears immediately. If you come back to the issue again anger…
He doesn’t want to speak or to be confronted with that problem because he has to lie.

We need evidence!

1.) Ask uncomfortable questions, be curious, look for contradiction,
2.) confront the person,
3.) look at how he/she reacts,
4.) are his/her emotions real and fitting to the situation?

Still, remain polite and friendly; otherwise, the liar recognizes your intention.

Body language signals of lying.

1.) When they lie, the muscles of their upper body contracts.

2.) Or a fake smile it is a reduced smile with the lips and no smiling with the eyes…

3.) Shrug their shoulders, head shakes.

4.) Expression of contempt, cover up their anger.

5.) One lip-corner pulls up and turns in asynchronous expression.

6.) Shift their blink rate.

7.) Point their feeds toward an exit.

8.) They will put objects between themselves and the other person to protect them

9.) They alter the vocal tone to much lower

10.) They like to speak faster and be nervous.

My Video: How to spot lies?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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