Rudi Zimmerer

How to Stop Emotional Eating?

Do you eat to feel better or to relieve stress?

Many people eat

1. to comfort themselves,
2. to calm down,
3. to relief their stress,
4. to reward themselves,
5. as an antidote to being alone.
6. as an antidote to feeling boring.

Be honest, what of the list above sticks to you?

Occasionally using food as a reward or to celebrate isn’t bad…

But, when overeating is our primary emotional coping mechanism then we run in big problems.

Unfortunately, emotional eating doesn’t fix emotional problems…

Emotional eating fills our stomach with junk or unhealthy food and makes us fat and unhealthy.

Even more, you feel worse after consuming your junk food and you feel guilty for overeating.

Emotional hunger can’t be filled with food.

The difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger…

Both are triggering our appetite…

Emotional hunger comes on suddenly.
Physical hunger comes more gradually.

Emotional hunger craves specific comfort foods, like sugary snacks, fatty food, junk food.

Physical hunger can be satisfied with anything including healthy stuff.

Emotional hunger leads often to mindless eating, or overeating.

Physical hunger is more aware of how much we eat and what we eat.

Emotional hunger can’t be satisfied… You want more and more…

Physical hunger is satisfied when your stomach is full.

Emotional hunger is craving for specific unhealthy food and can’t be appeased.

Emotional hunger leads to regret, guilt or shame.

After you try to appease your emotional hunger you beat yourself up, you feel guilty.

Never the less emotional eating helps a lot to suppress negative feelings, like anxiety, anger, sadness, loneliness, resentment, shame, to cope with boredom and feeling empty…

Or even to cope with an abortion…

Very often the parents have forced the kid to eat too much… When the parents are fat, then they want their child to suffer from the same…

The next reason can be that you remember the time when you felt good by eating unhealthy or too much food.

And then your bad consciousness keeps you in your emotional hunger…this is a vicious circuit.

Remember, everything that you oppose, neglect, fight; you will attract…

The cure of overeating:

The first step is always to be aware of what we are making, in this case, why do we want to eat?

Second, accept what you are doing instead of to punish yourself for wrongdoing… A bad consciousness will keep you in your craving! Celebrate (without food) every day when you advance to become what you like to be.

Keep an emotional eating diary to expose and accept your overeating…. Find the pattern when you are drawn to food…

Every time you overeat or feel compelled to eat… Take a moment to figure out what has triggered the urge.

If you find out the reason, then look for the underlying emotion that you like to suppress…

And then breath deep in this emotion… and really feel it until it is gone…

If you are angry:

Make exhausting and powerful body exercises, even the best would be that you make this every day…

Every day exercise your body at least 30 minutes or make interval training.
For instance, 3 times 20 seconds do your very best to exhaust your body, make a pause after 20 seconds, and for 2 minutes stretch your body.

The best is you choose exercises that you like, instead of to look for the best exercises. Because what you like is easier to do every day…

Get every day 8 hours of sleep…

Give yourself time to relax, at least 30 minutes every day.

Try to avoid stressful situations or stress makers! Because you like to be relaxed.

If you are scared or stressed, then dance like crazy to the music that you like…
And make a list for the worst cases, look for the solution for every scenery…

If you are exhausted drink a cup of tea, take a bath…

If you are bored, get outside for a stroll, read an exciting book, make music, learn something new…

When you can’t resist your craving… try to count until 50… and later wait for 5 minutes …10 minutes.

And then think do you really need that or is it not sport or dancing better…

Try to enjoy every bite that you eat… eat slowly and try to chew 32 times before you swallow. And never see TV or be distracted when you eat… Because every distraction makes you eat more…. And be thankful for your food…

Slowly change your food to healthy food…

Learn to feel uncomfortable emotions without that you have to eat. This might be very difficult… So look for a feeling and body orientated therapy like Bioenergetic…

And get hypnosis Mp3 for obesity from Dr. Steve Jones… Hear every night for at least one month the Mp3… Otherwise, I can make you a specific Hypnosis Mp3.

My Video: How to Stop Emotional Eating?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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