Rudi Zimmerer

Why is it so important to have a God relationship for our life?

Why is it so important to have a God/Allah relationship/connection for our life/love/happiness?

If we build up a personal god relationship, then God will help us for our meditation and whole life. And if we don’t do so, how can God help us? If we love God then God will help us. But if we ignore God then he won’t help us.
If we understand that God loves to help us, then it doesn’t make sense to address God as an impersonal being by using words such as the divine, existence, or universe. By addressing Him with these words, we push God away from us. Firstly, it is very unfriendly and impolite and secondly, what can you then expect from God that he will do for you? This is the reason that my focus point is God in my meditation. The next reason is that God is also Satchitananda, which means Absolute Consciousness Bliss or Love…. If we concentrate on something then eventually we can become it. If we love somebody then we always think about them, so if we always think about God then we develop love to God. What you love, you become eventually, and for sure it makes more sense to have a focus point on the eternal love, because it is the greatest being.
The journey begins when we start a personal relationship with God. So that we feel that there is somebody we can relate to. A normal prayer that we repeat again and again will never help us much. Actually I never have done it, I don’t pray, because Osho, my first Guru, was totally against it. We communicate with God like we communicate with a spouse/friend or with our parents. That is what I do! Where there is love, there is God, or love is God. (Bible).
If we sing with great devotion songs for God, then miracles can happen.

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