Rudi Zimmerer

Lovely relationships are better than money.

The Harvard University has done a 75 year survive with 2200 teenager from the Harvard University and from the poorest area in Boston.

They checked every 2 years their health and asked questions:

1.) how their life is,
2.) are they happy,
3.) what are their goals,
4.) about their earning, wealth, profession, and
5.) about their spouse, family, and friends.

The conclusion:
A lovely relationship with our spouse and family is far better than to get rich or famous.

People who were focused on fame/wealth changed their partner to younger one… are not so happy.

Still, the people who invested the most in their relationship, friends, the community had been the best in happiness, health, the fitness of the brain and longevity.

The results were:

1.) People who are more connected to family, friends are happier and healthier and live longer than people who are less connected.

2.) Living in a good, lovely relationship protects us for diseases.

3.) Loneliness turns out to be toxic.
People who are more lonely, isolated from other people are unhappier, more health declines,
brain function falls, live shorter lives than people who are not lonely.

4.) You can be lonely in the crowd, marriage;- it is the same than to live alone.

5.) Living in a conflict of marriage/family is bad for our health.

6.) High conflict marriages are worse for our health than to get divorced.

7.) Not the number of friends counts but the quality.

8.) The happiest men and women in relationships, age 80 or more, say: “In the days with more physical pain their mood stays still good.”

9.) People in bad relationships get pulled down emotionally through their pain.

10.) Good relationships even protect our brain in higher ages with 80. Because they feel protected through their partner. They have less memory loss than people in a bad relationship. Even when they argue hard for some days, they still feel that they are protected…

11.) Even a high cholesterol level with 50 years on age, was not critical.
What counts was how satisfied they had been that turned out their health in the 80.

12.) The people with the most satisfying relationships with 50 had been the healthiest with 80.

13.) The good life is built with good relationships instead of to grudge on bad relationships in the family…

And today the smartphone is more important than to build up excellent relationships…
But our smartphone will not survive, even you kiss it every 5 minutes… !!! Why do you not kiss and embrace your spouse more often?

My Video: Lovely relationships are better than money.
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

What makes a good life

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