What kills more then: MUST, have/has to or should do.
Forget them otherwise your life will be ruined… Better to live in that container on the beach like Diogenes…. Than the MUST…
Everybody want the freedom of choice…. If we think or say that we “Must or have to “ do a certain task, our inner child will protest against this. Every person has a inner child and a superego inside of himself and they are responsible for more then 80% of all decision. The inner child want playtime, fun, sex, love and Rock n Roll; and the superego want to fit in the society, success, power, money,… If our inner child is protesting, then it can sabotage every part of our life… So we have to look (MUST) after our inner child. If we want to be very productive then we should do (MUST) it, so that our inner child has fun or/ enough fun time… And then our life is fulfilling… For instance, if I command (MUST) me that I MUST write every week two blogs… then I don’t get the creativity from my inner child (the creativity is coming from the inner child)… If I just say to my inner child do you like to write exciting blogs with fun,… my inner child jumps up and is eager to work for me… If we are a supervisor and managing tasks involved with people, do you think that this MUST will work, will motivate the people? For instance when I was working as an engineer, I said simple for instance If you can’t do it, I do it,… no problem… And she could do it! As usual we had been under time pressure, so I decided to let the people go if the work was done and if I need them urgently for a task then they were willing to work over time… First give them and then you get it back… And I never have forced them, regardless which job I had in which company….And the same is true for ourself, let go the MUST, substitute it with: “I chose” or HAVE TO with “I get”… this means I am gifted to do that….