Rudi Zimmerer

Nice people end up alone


1.) Nice people are people-pleasers.
Nice people strive to help other people. Many people take advantage of the nice people helping attitude. In the end, the nice people have helped the wrong people who just like to suck them out. You can see that everywhere, lazy people need help and can’t fix it by themselves. Don’t support laziness. The right attitude is to teach how to do it by themselves instead to help lazy people.

2.) Nice people are scared to share their own opinions and like to agree easily.

To every pot fits a lid.

Until you don’t share your opinion you never get the right people as your friends. Stick to your values, share your opinion and get respect for what you are.

3.) Nice people don’t like to live their unique mission or dreams.
Nice people live someone else life.
Don’t be a lousy, dreadful or disgusting coward!!!
Do what you like at best, without harming unnecessary other people to become what you are! Express yourself and have fun regardless how many people criticize you.

4.) Caring for yourself is not selfish. When we don’t care for ourselves who will care for us? First care for yourself and then for others.

5.) Don’t be afraid to say no, because you are afraid of rejection or to fail. We are always responsible for what we are doing. Don’t give your life or your decisions in the hands of others. We should decide, what we want and look that we can live our values.
6.) Nice people are always kind even it doesn’t feel right!
If we can’t set our personal borders what we like or don’t like, nobody will respect us. And then everybody will step over our borders and we will hate the other people.
How should the other people know what we like or don’t like when we don’t demand that? Even we don’t respect ourselves when we reject our own desires.

7.) Nice people want that everybody loves them.
The nice people try to make everybody happy because they want to gain someone else’s approval. Nice people think that they can buy love!!!
How would it be to start to love ourselves? Instead to depend on other people’s approval or love. It is much easier and fulfilling to love yourself. Hear the Song: “Greatest love of all”

Praise yourself for everything that you do good by your own values. Say thank you to the Lord that you could do your job in your standard. So that, God will help you to work and be better.

My Video: Nice people end up alone
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
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