Rudi Zimmerer

Nuclear Power is not the answer

Solar cells farms are not the solution…
Need big areas and all the natural environment with all the species have to be removed…
The solar cells are very toxic when recycled…
Pakistan is doing that for us.

Wind turbines.
Are only effective when they are in areas with enough wind.
Big birds like eagles and species that will be extinct, get killed by Wind turbines in a such large way that we have to question the Wind turbines…

The biggest problem with the power out of solar cells and Wind turbines is that they generate electrical energy not when the power is needed…
The electrical energy has to be stored by pumping water into a higher artificial lake and when the energy is needed the water is flowing downward and produce so electrical power by generators. This is not everywhere possible.

Water turbines for generating electrical power are the best alternative for generating clean energy.

We have to produce also our electrical energy through burning.

The electricity is mainly generated by steam turbines. The steam is produced by boiling water through coal, uranium/plutonium, and gas. In this process, the steam is cooled down by the steam turbines.
1.In the end, the steam is going in the air or is heating up rivers or the ocean.
2. Or use for heating up houses and factories.

The cooled-down water steam causes bad weather and the greenhouse effect that contributes mainly to a warmer catastrophic climate.

If the temperature is growing then also the CO2 is increasing…


We had much higher CO2 levels in the previous centuries without a warmer climate.
The burning and destroying of the jungle in Indonesia/Brasilia and Cambodia have increased our temperature and are responsible for the weather change!
It was science-proofed, 50 years ago, if we destroy the jungle close to the equator, we produce a catastrophic weather change!

Today the cows in Argentina, living in a huge wilderness, are harming our weather because they are producing CO2? And our Nuclear power station doesn’t contribute to a warmer climate, because they don’t produce CO2? I will prove the opposite!

Nuclear Power stations cannot be located close to a town and so they generate the steam that contributes to a warmer catastrophic climate.

If we generate out of natural gas, that is not cracked (USA gas) electrical power, then this is clean electrical power when we also use the superficial heat for heating up houses and factories.

The coal-fired power stations produce so much air pollution that they are only effective when they generate heat for houses and factories.

Still, through the air pollution, we kill many people and destroy our environment and the painting of houses…

The coal-fired power station produces much more pollution than the Nuclear power station.

Nuclear power-station do not produce air pollution or carbon dioxide while operating.

History tells us, that a Nuclear Power station can explode and harm our lives and we don’t know where can we store safely for 1000 years the Uranium/Plutonium waste.

Now, the nuclear waste of the Japanese nuclear power-station catastrophe is found on the coastline of the USA…

Nuclear power-station cannot be regulated effectively, only through big power losses.

Effectiveness of an Electrical Vehicle EV

The effectiveness of Nuclear Power stations is between 30% to 60% (45% on average).
Electrical-Power-grid loss is between 10-20%, 15%
The Electrical charger for the EV loss is 20%.
Battery charging loss is at least 10%.
The electrical engine loss is 20%.
The EV is about 40% to 50% heavier than a normal car… so at least power loss is 30%.

The effectiveness of an EV engine is about 15.4%.
Normal car engine effectivity is about 30 to 35%.

The Lithium Battery of the EV is very hard to recycle and so toxic!

In big city makes the EV sense because of no air pollution.
But even then, if we would have a subway like in Singapore, private cars don’t make sense and should be punished like in Singapore $100000 tax on a new car… After 10 years the car should be recycled…

The EV is a total waste of energy!!!!!

Gas is the future!

My Video: Nuclear Power is not the answer
My Audio:



Solar cells farms are not the solution…
Need big areas and all the natural environment with all the species have to be removed…
The solar cells are very toxic when recycled…
Pakistan is doing that for us.

Wind turbines.
Are only effective when they are in areas with enough wind.
Big birds like eagles and species that will be extinct, get killed by Wind turbines in a such large way that we have to question the Wind turbines…

The biggest problem with the power out of solar cells and Wind turbines is that they generate electrical energy not when the power is needed…
The electrical energy has to be stored by pumping water into a higher artificial lake and when the energy is needed the water is flowing downward and produce so electrical power by generators. This is not everywhere possible.

Water turbines for generating electrical power are the best alternative for generating clean energy.

We have to produce also our electrical energy through burning.

The electricity is mainly generated by steam turbines. The steam is produced by boiling water through coal, uranium/plutonium, and gas. In this process, the steam is cooled down by the steam turbines.
1.In the end, the steam is going in the air or is heating up rivers or the ocean.
2. Or use for heating up houses and factories.

The cooled-down water steam causes bad weather and the greenhouse effect that contributes mainly to a warmer catastrophic climate.

If the temperature is growing then also the CO2 is increasing…


We had much higher CO2 levels in the previous centuries without a warmer climate.
The burning and destroying of the jungle in Indonesia/Brasilia and Cambodia have increased our temperature and are responsible for the weather change!
It was science-proofed, 50 years ago, if we destroy the jungle close to the equator, we produce a catastrophic weather change!

Today the cows in Argentina, living in a huge wilderness, are harming our weather because they are producing CO2? And our Nuclear power station doesn’t contribute to a warmer climate, because they don’t produce CO2? I will prove the opposite!

Nuclear Power stations cannot be located close to a town and so they generate the steam that contributes to a warmer catastrophic climate.

If we generate out of natural gas, that is not cracked (USA gas) electrical power, then this is clean electrical power when we also use the superficial heat for heating up houses and factories.

The coal-fired power stations produce so much air pollution that they are only effective when they generate heat for houses and factories.

Still, through the air pollution, we kill many people and destroy our environment and the painting of houses…

The coal-fired power station produces much more pollution than the Nuclear power station.

Nuclear power-station do not produce air pollution or carbon dioxide while operating.

History tells us, that a Nuclear Power station can explode and harm our lives and we don’t know where can we store safely for 1000 years the Uranium/Plutonium waste.

Now, the nuclear waste of the Japanese nuclear power-station catastrophe is found on the coastline of the USA…

Nuclear power-station cannot be regulated effectively, only through big power losses.

Effectiveness of an Electrical Vehicle EV

The effectiveness of Nuclear Power stations is between 30% to 60% (45% on average).
Electrical-Power-grid loss is between 10-20%, 15%
The Electrical charger for the EV loss is 20%.
Battery charging loss is at least 10%.
The electrical engine loss is 20%.
The EV is about 40% to 50% heavier than a normal car… so at least power loss is 30%.

The effectiveness of an EV engine is about 15.4%.
Normal car engine effectivity is about 30 to 35%.

The Lithium Battery of the EV is very hard to recycle and so toxic!

In big city makes the EV sense because of no air pollution.
But even then, if we would have a subway like in Singapore, private cars don’t make sense and should be punished like in Singapore $100000 tax on a new car… After 10 years the car should be recycled…

The EV is a total waste of energy!!!!!

Gas is the future!

My Video: Nuclear Power is not the answer
My Audio:




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