It is more important how you say it than what you say!
Human beings are feeling beings that can think…
The most important things in a normal conversation are not the words; 80% of a conversation is what we express with our body, emotions, how we say it, in which pitch we say it…
The emotions are more important than facts or data…
For instance, if you say something angry, you are wrong … because the other person feels threaten…
Feeling sells, data tells.
If I want to sell something then I build up first the self-esteem of the customer and then I can sell easily every nonsense. I need just to tell some data afterward… The reality is that the customer has already decided to buy this product and then the customer needs some data about why he had made this decision…
And even you think you are not so…
Imagine a very handsome person is approaching you with a very attractive smile and you already love this person… Now, it is easy to sell something to you or to seduce you…
Only, when you are the leader of a group you can be angry because the people have to do what you want!
For instance, your kid is angry when you have hurt your kid, and so your kid is wrong… Makes sense…
You drive your car and you get angry and abusive and use smear words … If your kid would do the same it will be punished by you!
People can’t discriminate between themselves and their belief system.
If we attack their belief system with facts they get emotionally!
Because they feel threaten and even we want to help them to become a better person.
People can’t discriminate between emotions and facts…
People don’t act rationally/logically … And that is true for nearly 99% of the people!
And what is about Democracy?
How can people vote rationally when they can’t act rationally/logically?
How would it be if we learn to discriminate between facts and feelings?
If somebody is angry it doesn’t mean that he is wrong…
We have to look for the reason why he is angry!!!!
If you can’t deal with your emotions and with other emotions, you can’t make the best decision!
How would it be, when you next time make a decision: Ask honesty why you want to decide so? What are the underlying emotions that drive your decision?
Is it not better to ask a friend who is neutral to make a better decision?
My Video: People don’t act rationally
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio: