Rudi Zimmerer

Preparation is a must but adapt to the situation.

Why is it so important to be prepared and to live in the here and now?
And this is even true for an army….

“No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength” Quote from the greatest Army strategist: Graf Moltke.

If we are not prepared for new situations, we can fail.
For instance an examination, a speech over an unknown subject for an auditorium…

When we are well prepared to face that situation, we often fail. Because we want to apply all that we have prepared for. Instead to look at what is needed to do.

For instance, if we listen to discussions, we realize that very often the people do not listen but speak… and the results are lousy…

We should act according to the situation and not as we want…

And this is true for every area of our life.

This means that we are well prepared, and when we in the situation, we forget every plan and do what the best is.

The situation is bigger than our preparation because there are so many components that we can’t calculate.

And this is the meaning of the quote “No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength” from the genie Graf Moltke.

Without preparation, we can’t get the outcome.
It is too time-consuming to speak about details in a subject, where the people have too less knowledge.

Everybody should be prepared, or we can’t go into details.

It looks like common sense and common sense is not common practice.

My Video: Preparation is a must but adapt to the situation.
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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