Rudi Zimmerer

Religion has failed

What went wrong, in our society…
After I have seen two interviews with Rabbis about the current situation in Israel..
For them are the Israelis immoral and harming their religion!
When I was young I read again and again the Jewish magazines in Germany about the disgusting brutality, and immorality of the Israelis punishing Palestinians just out of fun…
Today, I like to publish the opinion from Rabbi Manis Friedman…
What went wrong, in our society…?
I published 3 years ago, Why Regions Have Failed and not God!
Today our politicians want to replace religion with the Green, genderless philosophy …
And we see the devastating results.
Wars, after wars,
destroying the wealth of the people and society,
social unrest,
imperialistic try to rule the world,
Sanction every country that doesn’t want to surrender to their agenda…
Most nonreligious People think, that they can be moral, but don’t need to be religious. The past proves that this is wrong.
Until today every Secular morality has failed, and so it will happen with today’s genderless, CO2-free, green agenda…
We actually produce more CO2 than ever before.
And even the CO2 theory that the climate is changing because of higher CO2.- That is totally wrong.
100 years ago we had double so much CO2 and in the middle age more than 4 times…
So higher the temperature so higher becomes the CO2…
The temperature increased through destroying the jungle in the equator area…
What is Secular morality?
Secular morality is the aspect of philosophy that deals with morality outside of religious traditions. Modern examples include humanism, freethinking, and most versions of consequentialism. Additional philosophies with ancient roots include those such as skepticism and virtue ethics.
This means the level of education has nothing to do with morality!
Remember, the Nazis killed/tortured so many Jewish because of their ideology or secular morality.
For most religions, not so with Islam (read the Hadith, Sharia, and Quran or my book… Why Religion…).
Killing/torture/rape of any person (for Non-Muslims, it is okay (Islam)) is forbidden in nearly every religion!
The idea, I don’t need God to tell me what is right and wrong…
All the morality, like the 10 commands is still in the place of non-religious people, but if something goes wrong they quit their morality.
A religious person loves every person!
The only true command is love… (letter, Romans, bible)
Religions lost their grip on society.
Where does morality come from?
From home, from school, or from religion?
The disaster is not coming from the Gaza stripe, it is coming from humanity…
Humanity started from barbaric and is until today barbaric! No improvement.
If we kill one person, then this is a tragedy if we kill 1 million people it is a statistic! (Stalin)
Actually, we are trying to hide our barbarism in polite behavior…
Why are we enjoying so much brutality in movies?
I try always to avoid seeing these brutal videos, on buses, airplanes, and everywhere,  …
I would forbid every movie that has brutality scenes if I had the power!
The religious idea is to teach you to go to hell if you are doing sins…
And doing good you go to heaven…
That never worked out and never will work out.
Because this is a business…
The Mafia is going also to the church…
You are doing good without promising to get rewards because you surrender your life to God selflessly…
Because you love God.
Because you have faith in God.
Tell me what is right, I will do it without threatening or bribing me.
Nobody likes to be pressed to do something…
Can we be altruistic?
Yes, because it is healthy and makes sense!
And our real self is altruistic.
So the religious teaching of rewards/punishment or the teaching of hell/heaven is so destructive… It never worked out!
Good people don’t need to be threatened.
And bad people can’t be threatened to do good or to stop doing cruel things…
Because their passions are too strong, even the death is not threatening them…
Who benefits from these rewards / punishment principles?
The religions, earning big money to free their members from their sins…
Democracy is good as long it promotes goodness…
If democracy is sending troops to kill the enemies… Guess, democracy is bad.
Because bad democracy is sacrificing people instead of negotiating…
Every secularly moral good idea was a bad idea in the long term and did more harm than good.
My Video: Religion has failed
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