Rudi Zimmerer

The Secret to Using Anger in a Positive Way

In Animals, we find the solution for our anger. The animals are getting angry to protect themselves…

We all know the freeze and fly reflex from the animals to escape from that dangerous situation and that means fear.

If our mind/ego experiences a dangerous situation we can try to escape, cry or to defense us with anger.

What is the best?
For the psychologists is anger the best. Because we remain in control of the situation and can find a solution.

We need anger to change a situation!

How can we change a devastating situation when we are not motivated or when we are depressed?

With Anger, we can transform a devastating situation because we have the power.

When we are happy or angry we can take much more risk to get what we want. Instead to wait to get the things done.

I use my anger for things, that I have to do and have been too lazy. For instance, I make the garden.

What should we do when we are angry?

1.) We should be aware why we are angry and most of the time we even don’t know it… Because we have gathered inside of us frustration from many different situations and then we burst into anger. Or memories of our childhood or past facing and trigger our anger. What was actually the reason for our anger? If we don’t know it, then who cares?

2.) When we are overwhelmed by our anger, we need to make body exercise to get our anger under control… And to do somebody exercise is good. Even under anger, we can make our best sports achievements. And that should be good, or!

3.) We breathe for some time deep in our anger to get more calmness and to identify our anger. Maybe we have understood each other wrong as usual. Or maybe the other person has a different agenda.

4.) When we are in an angry dispute we look in the eyes of our offender and if it is possible we get in touch with that person,- held their hands. Anger disappears.
Because we feel compassion for our victim.

My Video: The Secret to Using Anger in a Positive Way
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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