Rudi Zimmerer

What is destiny?

That is so crucial to know for nearly everything…

When we are in the flow, everything is coming to us just so…

Sometimes, everything is so difficult and then we see the light at the end of the tunnel…

In other times we never see the light because it should not be so.

When we entered the birth channel (took birth) to see the world we have overcome our biggest struggle. There was no choice we had to go out…

Many of our problems are created through our ego or through our negativity! Even more, we attract through our negativity most of our struggles. We can avoid them.

It is much easier if we sort out in our life the things that matter. The rest let go.
After the 80/20 rule, 80% of our problems are unnecessary.

When we face struggles for something that is meaningful, we can fail.
Still, we have 80% fewer problems if we have sorted out the unnecessary problems.

If we like it or not we have a destiny. And if we fight for the wrong thing and fail, we still win. Because we become stronger and get a new experience.

We never became that billionaire, star,… because:

1.) We didn’t have the abilities.
2.) We didn’t get the chances.
3.) We didn’t have the determination.
4.) We couldn’t work that hard.
5.) Or it was destiny?

Not everything is in God plans that we want.

Before we make a big life decision, we should check what God wants for our life and then to live accordingly; said Dr. Patrick Leow, Cofounder Success Resources, Billionaire … coming from a poor family…

How to make the right decision?

The easiest way is just to ask yourself or God before you go in the bed what you should do.
Or get a Hypnosis mp3 to make the decision. Hear the Hypnosis mp3 before you go to bed. With the Hypnosis mp3, it is much more effective,- up to 100 times.

And ask every night how to decide until you really know it. The best is to exercise this method again and again until you are confident that this works.

My Video: What is destiny?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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