Rudi Zimmerer

What we do with Anger?

Actually, sadness is transformed anger in to be overwhelmed, hopeless, to give up or to be the loser. Anger is a great motivator to change our situation to a better outcome, with sadness we have given up already. It is mostly of the case really necessary for changing our lives, our situation, that we have first anger. With anger, we have so much power and really can go for it. Anger is necessary!


Never less it is disturbing to be angry for ourselves and for others. We are much more effective and happy if we are relaxed and free of anger.


How to calm down?


  1. We feel or imagine our anger and make Sport and strong workouts.
  2. We feel or imagine our anger, and we beat our bed with a tennis racket instead our children, life is easier…
  3. To learn and to train any martial art, great for angry children and grown-ups.
  4. Garden work. For instance, if we pull out the weed we ground our anger…
  5. We wash our cloth, and imagine at the same time, an angry picture of killing … anger is done.
  6. Chi Gong. If we get angry quite fast, then our anger level is too high. Anger is connected to the liver and to the sound Sh. The virtue of the liver is compassion. So we have to transform our anger into compassion. With the Chinese inner organ massage and the sound Sh, we reduce our Anger. On the right side of our body, under the rib cage is the liver. We approach the rib cage from the belly and then grip with both hands under our rib cage as deeply as possible. We feel or imagine our anger. Start to massage the liver under the rib cage making the ‘Sh’ sound. After some time we alter the procedure, tap this area on the ribs with one hand, lay the other hand on the navel chakra and continuously make the ‘Sh’ sound. We can make the sound Sh also silent, when necessary. This procedure we do for 3- 5 minutes. In the end, we place both hands above our liver and feel thankful for our liver and imagine that a green light is entering our liver. We do this procedure every day. I do it every day 2 times. Believe me, one thing it works, even it had worked for warriors when they were coming home from the war!!!! This procedure is also good to heal our liver. See my video…


My video: What we do with Anger?
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.

My Audio:


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