Rudi Zimmerer

Rudi Zimmerer, International Meditation Master

You chose by yourself to be a Victim!

There had been no victim who has not chosen to be a victim…
You can change the situation or accept the situation and so you cannot complain. It is your choice!

These were the most used quotes from Bhagwan…

If we don’t act when we got victimize, we give the offender the permission to do it again!
If I can’t or dislike to retaliate, I just go and never go in touch with the offender again, if this is possible.

What we can do when we are in certain situations?

When we get bullied in a firm, family or on parties.
We complain and speak it out in front of the offender. Best scenery with many witnesses.
I have done that again and again, it works!

Bullied on the street.
Go to the police.
I had here my problems with an awful neighbor.
I went to the police and told them my case and other forbidden things that he had done. He got punished from the police and afterward he hated me.

He was repeating his bad behavior to abuse me and threaten me with violence.
I went to the Immigration office, and they were so happy!
Directly a policeman jumped in his car and drove to that bad guy.
I even could choose: We can ban him from Thailand? I said no.
I am a therapist and I can deal with that.
But a violent threat is for me too much, because I don’t know what will happen.
Mostly on the case, you cannot estimate in advance the outcome, no violence!

Whenever a firm is under delivering or even not delivering, what should we do?

My strategy is and worked to 100%.
I look up for reviews for the specific firm/brand that had done badly to me. Mostly, Trustpilot will do it and give an awful review to that firm.
Every firm reacted; they gave me what they have promised.
Or, the worst firms even were commenting on my review with lying and cheating.
Great and I proved with my next comment that they were and lying, cheating.
They did it again; my review became worse and worse… And at the end, I got what I demanded.

If the firm is not on, I look up the firm on Google map and give an awful review. – Every firm reacted on my review, I got what I wanted.
Or I made on Facebook a campaign against that firm. Also, that worked!

The outcome of these strategies should be that you harm more than you have lost!

Otherwise, the offender will do it again!

My Video: You chose by yourself to be a Victim!
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