Rudi Zimmerer

Don’t be a Robot

My video: Don’t be a Robot

T. Harv Eker said so nice, for schedule exact our time … I am not a robot… I put the most important tasks on my time schedule, do them, celebrate that and if I like to work more then I do this too, otherwise I finish my work. I love to work and I don’t like to be overwhelmed from my time schedule….
And exact here starts the problem, that we have a to do list and don’t look how it responds to our feelings.
We push away our feelings in order to function like a machine and this we do also with the feelings of our kids and spouse… Feelings are in our way…

How we can be happy if we push away our feelings? If we push away our negative feelings, we push away also our happiness and love!

We should learn to understand our feelings, our needs for love and happiness.

It looks great if we are over cool, never show any feelings…and we get through that the appreciation of the society. The reality is that we sell our feelings for appreciation and inside the negative feelings are piling up and working against us. This means our suppressed feelings can erupt to a not appropriate situation, can cause diseases or can sabotage our success.

There was a father with a baby sitting in a bus, and that baby cried and screamed like crazy… The father repeated again and again: Please calm down…. It didn’t helped… A passenger said to the father: Maybe your baby can’t understand: Please calm down. The father replied: I say this to myself!!! Because I have to calm down.

We should learn like the father in the Joke above to deal with our feelings. For sure for many people it is embarrassing when their baby is crying, and then we are getting panic… What should we do? Until we can’t calm down, we can’t calm down the baby….
So it is with all of our conflicts, we first find out, what are our feelings. Afterward we accept our feelings and feel them. For instance: we breath deep in our feelings and with the breath out we release them… until the feelings are gone.

We are feelings beings who can think… This means we have inherited the biggest part of our brain from the animals, so that our feelings and subconsciousness are dominant. We make our decisions through our subconsciousness and feelings and afterward we reason it with our logic. Our logic is still not so important. And if we suppress our feelings, still these negative suppressed feelings are making our decisions… Let release them and afterward we make much better decisions.

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