Rudi Zimmerer

Episode 20 How I met Bhagwan.

The first step in the right direction is the half path…

Even a fake Guru can lead us to the truth when we surrender.

If we don’t surrender, we never know if the Guru is the truth…
And if the Guru is wrong, we can find it out only when we surrender…

Most of the disciples don’t surrender and so they stay their whole life with the Guru.
Instead to become their own Guru!

I moved in a community, so we were 2 females and 2 males… One girl was a Sannyasin (disciple) from Bhagwan, so wearing red and the other 2 were from the no-future movement, so wearing black… And I was neutral…

2 weeks later there was a group (Sexuality Awareness) in the Sannyasin Center of our town (Bremen)… I was 26 years old, nearly a virgin and had interest in Sex…

What you fear at most do it…

I was already in therapy and making Yoga, Qigong and meditation…

Before the group started, I went with our Sannyasin to the meditations in the Center… The meditations (Dynamic Meditation, Kundalini) were crazy, exciting and really working for me…

We attended the group, I slept with a lovely older (48 years) woman (Prakriti)… It was so good for me.
The group were very strenuous, with strong Bioenergetic and Encounter…
At the end the female therapist Pujari told me…
“You have to work hard on yourself because of your very hard childhood…
You will make it, because You are a real seeker, who will never be satisfied by worldly things…”
She became true…

A half year later, after several relationships I went to Vancouver/Canada to hike and to hitchhike down to Los Angles…
My first hiking was the famous West-cost-trail on Vancouver Island…
On the ferry I saw a sexy American Indian girl… I looked in her eyes, smiled, approached her, embraced her… and later we had sex…

One group can make that with You! Before I never had chances with girls!

After the 8-day trail, I hitchhiked and made one more hike and then I arrived in Portland… Further hitchhiking was impossible.

I met a Sannyasin and he told me Bhagwan has started to speak again…
Go to the ranch (Rajneeshpuram) and enjoy the great community of Bhagwan.

I arrived at the ranch and I met my previous girlfriend Prakriti from the group in Bremen…
After so much hardship during my hitchhiking, my heart was closed…
So, I decided to make several groups. During the groups we went to the discourses of Bhagwan. Bhagwan magically addressed many of my problems…

I never have seen a place with so much love than Rajneeshpuram, it has been for me just like a paradise… The groups were outstanding.

There exist People who are looking for mistakes and they always can find them everywhere… Sorry for them!

In the groups I was as usual the worst case with the worst childhood…
But there was hope…
The therapist asked a Japanese girl what she thinks of the different people…
This Japanese had the ability to see what is inside of the people…
She was telling a manager who continuously entertained the group members what she thought about him and the guy was lying on the ground and crying…

Then the therapist asked, is here anybody who is honest and doesn’t make any show…

She said: This is Rudi, I don’t see him so bad like you do, he will make it and he will go beyond…

Then the Therapist said that I had to work hard on me, and make groups, and a weekend group every month… And I had to make the Primal and Tantra groups…

All that I did…

Bhagwan had trained his Therapists to become the best in the World and his techniques were outstanding…

By God, I am so thankful that I had the chance to be part of his group…

It was for me the first step in the right direction and not the whole path…

After this lesson the next lesson…

Sorry for the people who could not go further!

My Video: Episode 20 How I met Bhagwan.
My Audio:






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