Rudi Zimmerer

True and stupid Goal setting?

What is the difference?

The first step is:

The path is the goal!!!

Go in baby steps slowly and continuously.
You enjoy every step forward or backward to reach your goal!
Your relationships should never be sacrificed or suffer from your goals!

The normal (stupid) goal setting force us to become:

Stressed out.
Even worse, our relationships are suffering.

Imagine you are digging a well to find water…
Does it make sense to dig 10 wells or to dig one well deep enough to get water?

So more goals you have so less you will accomplish!

Never have more than 7 goals at the same time!
3 goals are enough!
Because we want to enjoy our journey!

Which goals?
A goal must be compelling!
A true goal is a love story and that can be in every area of our life!

How to make your goal compelling…
Find the Why!

Should we write down our goals?
If you love a girl should you write down, I should love her?

For what is that nonsense good?
If you cannot remember to every moment your goal, then your goal is not compelling!

For instance, should I start to write a book?

If I get an inspiration to write that book. From that moment I can write everywhere…

Normally I write my books on travel…

I enjoy my time and if only I need to write something down, then I have the choice to type it or to record it on my smartphone.
Just so simple.

Should I have a time frame to accomplish my goal?
It never had happened to me that I have accomplished my goals on time…

Mostly I was much faster, other times I was too slowly or I never have accomplished my goal.

Should I be frustrated that I didn’t accomplish my goal?
For what is that good?

Do you think that I will suffer in my deathbed that I didn’t have accomplish one goal?

Think over most of our goals are never important or contributing something to our life… Why do you want to suffer for a goal?

Mostly when I didn’t accomplish my goal it was the best for me!
And the other times it was not important or not possible to reach my goal!

I set always for every goal a much bigger time frame that I normally would estimate. Because I cannot estimate something what I don’t know in advanced!

Enjoy your life.

My Video: True and stupid Goal setting?
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