Rudi Zimmerer

Rudi Zimmerer, International Meditation Master

I’ll be happy tomorrow

… If… And that maybe never happens.
When we get even everything fulfilled, we will still be unhappy. Because we have created this habit to be happy tomorrow.

My father who was a very successful guy was never happy. Because he always wanted more. And that was the reason he was so successful.

All the right things happen today and never tomorrow.

The Tomorrow thinking is a vicious circle. Because the tomorrow will be the same of postponing to be happy. And even you will be happy tomorrow, the next day you will again shift the happiness on tomorrow.

Now we want to analyze this tomorrow thinking:

What we gain tomorrow is in 2 days old again…. And then we are unhappy again.
When we get something new, then we think first how brilliant that thing is. Everything has 2 poles…. A beneficial pole and a negative pole. Our mind works like a pendulum. From positive it will swing to negative. Even we admire something after some time our mind will look for mistakes. And that is the reason why in the East philosophy/religion to stop thinking better is than to think at all.
We think we can control tomorrow. Normally we have maybe 5% under our control. Every moment we can die… And that will happen!

Everything is just so, it is neither good or bad. Our thinking makes a thing positive or negative. Still, everything is just so.

How is it if we analyze everything that we want for the positive and negative. And this I do since over 30 years.

I found out that mostly what I desire is not so attractive as I thought before. And guess what happens?

I can be easier happy with what I have and live so more in the here and now.

The more things change so more they stay the same.
This means we remain the same, regardless how many things are changing.

How is it to be happy with the things, status you have already? The tomorrow will never be better! Don’ t block your happiness through your Tomorrow thinking.

My Video: I’ll be happy tomorrow

My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end.
My Audio:

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