Rudi Zimmerer

Productivity & How not to burn out?

The biggest obstacle to being creative is to do the work!

1. For an engineer, to design a new thing means 5% creativity and 95% work until it works.
2. Writing, painting, or photography is the ratio of 80% creativity and 20% work.
This is the reason why I prefer to write or take pictures…

If you enjoy your work and not only your results, then everything would be perfect, or?

If we focus only on the work, we miss out a lot, appointments, healthy diet and exercises, sleep…

Our passions can drive us crazy!
Our passions drive the Serotonin level up…
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that drives up our mood and emotions, cognition, and concentration…

Still, we should solve that problem…

We need time to distance ourselves from our problem to solve that problem…

Distraction, when positively used, is necessary,
for having fun,
to enjoy our life is necessary,
to sleep …

When I got blockages by designing new stuff or solving problems;
I went under the shower and new ideas were coming.
The shower will stimulate the Serotonin up, that is today proved.
We feel our bodies, connect with our emotions and distance ourselves from the problem.

What is with our productivity?

Productivity means, that we should act rationally like a machine.
But we should never treat ourselves or let us treat like a machine that has no emotions or creativity…
Then we will rebel and our motivation, passions, and creativity will be Zero.

During my time studying at the University, I was overwhelmed by the theory that I should understand and the exams. Only 10% of students could go through the final exams to become an engineer…

Learning/working like crazy doesn’t work…
We need time to relax and to have fun…
And that will enhance our productivity.

My brother said if you don’t enjoy your time you can’t make it.
You should set up every day, time for enjoying at least 1 hour otherwise you get burned out.

Even then I got burned out… Because the stress level was too high…
I got so sick, and lost so much time, I mean years to recover…

Get enough free time to relax and have fun.
Otherwise, you become a loser.

Albert Einstein said we have to go to a higher level to solve that problem. Focusing only on that problem will not solve the problem.

The time between sleeping and waking up is the most important time to merge the subconscious with the conscious to solve our problems…
Dreaming is absolutely necessary to become creative…

I had to design the navigation control unit of a satellite… First the hardware and then the software…
After solving the hardware I wrote the complete software within 2 hours, and for this was estimated 6 weeks of programming in a machine language Assembly.

You get a problem and you ask before you sleep how to solve that problem… The next morning you get the answer… It works.

For bigger problems it works too, then you set a time frame over several weeks…

This means working smarter is much more productive than working much…

My Video: Productivity & How not to burn out?
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