Rudi Zimmerer


Beyond desires!

My video: Beyond desires! Yes, I want to provoke you…. Beyond of our desires is peace, divine love, bliss…. And what is about our desires? We all need challenges that let us become who we should become. And these challenges are driven mainly through our desires. We need to know, which desire we should

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Decide before you know the path…

My video: Decide before you know the path… can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Decide before you know the path… ( This means we should be start with something new without knowing the next steps. As the bible is saying: the next day provides for itself don’t worry for the next day…/ We

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How to win?

My video: How to win? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to win? ( If we want to win we need the blessing, permission of the competing party. If we see for instance the greatest sporter like Mohamed Ali, Jesse Owens…. or the greatest soccer coach Otto Rehagel… they went first to

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Healthy Sex

Love each other and do what you like at best. (Bible) My video: Healthy Sex , on YouTube We should live our sexual desires, regardless what, as long we do not harm others or the law of our country. Nearly all psychologists are agreeing with this. Why? What we suppress is getting worse. If

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Why we need a life story that serves us? We all are identified with stories that we think are true for our being…. We belief on these stories, like: why we are successful or failing… And many times we are even not aware of these life stories. For instance, we think that we have to

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For ever young

How we can remain young? We are making things that are fulfilling, also not everything is fulfilling… We release continuously our negative suppressed feelings from the not fulfilling moments and things what we are doing, through body exercise, sport, EFT, Bio energetic, meditation… We remain inside empty – (we have released all our negative feelings)

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Is HIV/ AIDS the terrible lie or Business?

Since 1994 I have never believed that Aids exist, because of Leading biochemical scientists, including University of California at Berkeley retrovirus expert Peter Duesberg and Nobel Prize winner Walter Gilbert, have been warning for years that there is no proof that HIV causes AIDS. Even better Dr. John Bergman proves on science proofed studies that

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Be Happy Now!

Be Happy Now! Never condition yourself that you can be happy only when you have/got/achieved something… You can be happy only now. And only without reason… Think over: What is the most precious moment in Your life?- This moment (Zen master: Thích Nhất Hạnh). Do You know why most rich and successful people fail to

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I can not

I can not When I was growing up, it was not possible, without abuse to say “I can not”… Why? After the Second World War Germany was destroyed, and everybody had hard to work to get back on track… And then the Germany Miracle happened… just by omitting: “I can not.” What happens if you

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Karma Never think over Karma, because it is indescribable and lead to madness if you think too much over it (Buddha). For what we need then a Karma law if it is beyond of our thinking? Religions had used the Karma or better our bad Karma to squeeze out the people with their bad consciousness…

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Beyond Words

Beyond Words Do we need really to express everything in words or should we go beyond words? Everybody is defining the words different, because the words are associated to different experience/emotion. Even I love trees, I can’t name them … but enjoy them… Osho said, go beyond words… because you limit yourself to the mind

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Why can’t we get what we want? When I see all these fast fixes, that never helps, like Western medicine, of self sabotage remedies, or to be fat,… Why we are ill (Western medicine never ask this scientific question Why; what is the reason that we got this disease?) , why we are self sabotage

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What kills more then: MUST, have/has to or should do. Forget them otherwise your life will be ruined… Better to live in that container on the beach like Diogenes…. Than the MUST… Everybody want the freedom of choice…. If we think or say that we “Must or have to “ do a certain task, our

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Love We want love and then we are going to the wrong people and suffer, or we chose the wrong moment and get a slap in our face…. There must be something wrong, why we act in a such stupid way? I have seen many times, when I was not open for a new love

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Money…. We all need it, and mostly of all have a bad relationship to money… We are in relationship with money if we like it or not. And like every relationship, if we struggle then we suffer, at the end we have to heal our relationship. And this relationship we got from our childhood…This means

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Does Vaccines are really helping? Who they are helping…? What are the benefits and who benefits from them…? The recently discussion over the new found virus Zirka… the virus is actually over 60 years old. The same was true for the aids virus… The pharmaceutic industry produced within 24 hours a vaccine for the virus

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Why is Detachment necessary to get our Goals and desires fulfilled? Imagine you are waiting on your new girl/boyfriend, and you wait and wait and every minute she/he is getting too late you are getting more angry… Finally you call her/him up and full of anger you abuse your darling… And she/he are replaying, the

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What matters?

What matters? Your car, home, income, position, success? After a survive the availability of material resources was 9 times less important for happiness then the availability of personal resources…. Imagine you have only to live one day, one week, one month what is important for you? The promotion for your job or the new car,…

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Sleep exercise : Gratitude: Sit on your bed before you go to sleep. Think what you are thankful about …. Fill your heart with Gratitude and hold this feeling for at least 2 min and then go to sleep… next morning you will start with gratitude… Energy: If we can’t sleep, then our head is

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Google Hangout. Question/answer about Meditation. Sun. 10 Jan 2016 ; 8pm Bangkok time

Namaste, My name is Rudi Zimmerer. I am an international meditation master. I give for free the meditation course, “Learn to relax with meditation”. Today I will answer your questions. My approach for meditation is to work on the feelings, because the feelings are creating our thoughts. I have given you already powerful tools, like

Google Hangout. Question/answer about Meditation. Sun. 10 Jan 2016 ; 8pm Bangkok time Read More »

Healthy Food

Healthy food Do you know that 33% of the Americans have Cancer, Diabetes or severe Heart problems… The cause of heart attack is industrial processed food, medicaments, too much stress. Diabetes is a quite new diseases, 120 years ago only 0.0028% of the Americans had that. Diabetes is caused through industrial processed food or medicaments.

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Learn To Relax With Meditation

Learn To Relax With Meditation even in the worst times in this free meditation course for one year. Do you want awesome results for your meditation then click here… can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Learn to relax with the meditation, body exercise and bio energetic, even in bad times. (

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Love yourself can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Self Love ( In this turbulence time, we lack on love. Do we need a new lover or to refresh our love to our dear ones? Or do we start to love first ourselves? How can we love when we under pressure or under stress? Many

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