Rudi Zimmerer


Be Passionate or die! can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Be Passionate or die! ( Our passions are connected with our sexuality … So older we grow and specific after the male or female menopause a big part of our passions disappear… and so our sexuality. Our religious Leaders/ Saints, Gurus who are old saying that passions

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Older women should date younger men! can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Older women should date younger men! ( Looks very controversial but it works… A female computer scientist analyzed online dating at OkCupid from 10 Millions of daters. She analyzed all of the successful dating conversations between 2013 and 2018: 1.) 61% of conversations take place between an

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What food is spiritual acceptable? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What food is spiritual acceptable? ( 1.) Unprocessed raw food is usually the best. Because it lifts up your body and spirit. If you don’t believe that, just eat only for one day raw: fruits, salad or vegetables. Don’t eat any seeds, kernels. You will recognize how

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Why Suicide? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Why Suicide? ( I saw a shocking video about an unsuccessful suicide attempt, Jumping from the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco … Every guy who had over lived this jump, (from 2000 only 20 guys survived) regret that they have jumped from the Golden Gate bridge…

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Why does non-violence not work? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Why does non-violence not work? ( The Non-violence or Ahimsa was first introduced from the Hindu-Religion. Ahimsa or non-violence was created for the Braman (Priest) and Sannyasins (Monks) to live a peaceful life in a remote resort. That makes sense. Afterward, Buddhism, Jainism, and Christians had the

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Everything is getting better and better? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Everything is getting better and better? ( I wake up every morning believing today is going to be better than yesterday. Again this is spam, and this is total nonsense. It is even often so that it gets first worse to get better! I have learned and

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Why does a conservative attitude harm us? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Why does a conservative attitude harm us? ( The world is changing and today very fast. A conservative attitude wants that everything remains as it is… This is Fear to change, fear of the future. We want to be innovative and not to be conservative otherwise we

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How to do a Kidney cleanses? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to do a Kidney cleanses? (   Our Kidneys are very important, and if they don’t work properly it will harm our entire body… Many people got Kidney stones and/or a polluted Kidney that influence our feelings, immune system, sexual potency, our skin, and our eyes.

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Ikigai, Japanese formula for choosing a profession. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Ikigai, Japanese formula for happiness ( The Ikigai has 4 components: 1.) Something that you love. A.) Something that you love to do. B.) That stop your thinking. C.) Anything that causes you to be present. D.) Flow state. E.) Love F.) For instance: Drawing, dancing, singing.

Ikigai, Japanese formula for choosing a profession. Read More »

There are no limits to what you can accomplish,

except for the limits, you place on your thinking. (Brian Tracy) can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: There are no limits to what you can accomplish, ( This is again and again spam!!!! Selling dreams and delivering B.S. !!! These so-called Motivation speakers are making a fortune to sell unattainable dreams that

There are no limits to what you can accomplish, Read More »

What are the causes of stress? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What are the causes of stress? ( You don’t accept yourself and your outcome. Looks very provocative and it should challenge you. If we would be happy with everything that we are doing, we would never have any stress… Because we don’t accept ourselves, so we don’t

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The psychological results of 83000 brain scans can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The psychological results of 83000 brain scans ( Daniel Amen had found out by doing 83000 brain scans (link at the end): 1.) how our psychology alters through a brain injury and aging; 2.) what specific diseases are caused by brain damages!!! 3.) And how to cure

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Don’t interpret Codependency as Love! can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Don’t interpret Codependency as Love! ( The codependency is often interpreted as love. When our 1.) Mood, 2.) Happiness, 3.) and Identity, depend on our darling we are codependent. “When we are no longer independent from our partner then we are in slavery. And Slavery is never

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The psychological results of 83000 brain scans can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The psychological results of 83000 brain scans ( Daniel Amen had found out by doing 83000 brain scans (link at the end): 1.) how our psychology alters through a brain injury and ageing; 2.) what specific diseases are caused by brain damages!!! 3.) And how to cure

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Why does communication fail between woman and man? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Why does communication fail between woman and man? ( Ninety percent of all women have their feelings and thoughts within a circle with one center. Ninety percent of all men have their feelings and thoughts within an ellipse with two centers—one center is to the feelings, and

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Adapt to the situation can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Adapt to the situation ( Adapt to the situation instead of to follow blinds rules. Don’t be a philosopher surrender to the rules of the market/society. – Osho Because you can’t teach the people to follow your rules. See these so NOBLE moralities/rules/principles from Countries which are

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Learn to criticize yourself! can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Learn to criticize yourself! ( Then miracles will happen. Why? If we know, what we are making wrong, only then we can change. This makes sense,… Mostly of all people think that they know themselves. Oscar Wild said I am by myself the greatest mystery… Actually, we

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Why Intimacy?

When I remembered one of the greatest Marketing experts in the world, Joel Bauer – Joel Bauer’s strategy is to build up an intimacy with his auditorium… He disclosures his worst moments, his recent done mistakes … And it works! Everywhere, we see sitting couples without sharing their intimacy, with covering up their vulnerability and

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How to lose weight? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to lose weight? ( The biggest problems for losing weight: 1.) Outdated strategies that never worked and are still done… A.) Count every calorie… That never works because our weight loss is mainly a result of our body exercise. Every food has calories and we should

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Lovely relationships are better than money. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Lovely relationships are better than money. ( The Harvard University has done a 75 year survive with 2200 teenager from the Harvard University and from the poorest area in Boston. They checked every 2 years their health and asked questions: 1.) how their life is, 2.) are

Lovely relationships are better than money. Read More »

What is destiny? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What is destiny ( That is so crucial to know for nearly everything… When we are in the flow, everything is coming to us just so… Sometimes, everything is so difficult and then we see the light at the end of the tunnel… In other times we

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Should we always stick to our morality? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Should we always stick to our morality? ( The answer from the greatest Sufi Attar is No! A Sufi is a person that can surrender to every rule/morality and can break every rule. Because every enforcement is a veil in front of the Lord. Every morality can

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What you ever want to know about an α, β, Ω, and γ. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What you ever want to know about an α, β, Ω, and γ. ( 1.) Nearly everybody wants to be an Alpha… The famous leaders are mostly Alphas and some are Omegas. An Alpha is confident and can have a charisma. Is doing his own thing and

What you ever want to know about an α, β, Ω, and γ. Read More »

7 things that are untrue about healthy sleep can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: 7 things that are untrue about healthy sleep ( 1.) We don’t need so much sleep… At least everybody should sleep for 7 hours, even the high achievers. If we sleep less than 7 hours it will cause in the long term: higher blood pressure, increased risk

7 things that are untrue about healthy sleep Read More »

Broken Hearts can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Broken Hearts ( When I was a teen I was in love with the song Angie by The Rolling Stones. Somehow this song Angie came true again and again in my life… I was in deep love many times in my life and then crush … It

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The Art of Fitness can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Art of Fitness ( In recent years the industry has discovered the Fitness. Everything should be sexy and attractive … The outfit should be elegant… And the trainer should be sexy and strong… Sexy is attractive and when it helps to get motivated for your workout,

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Money or Life? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Money or Life? ( There was a very rich Jewish who had all of his Money in a deeper basement. In the night he went down to his chamber of wealth in the basement. He opened that trunk and immediately a guy jumped out of that, threatened

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Our Fish our Food? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Our Fish our Food? ( After the study, 50% of our consumed fish is now farm raised. Until 2030 it will be 75%. China produces 70% of the farmed fish. What is if our farmed fish is poisoned? First, we look what the farm fishes are consuming.

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Distraction leads to depression can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Distraction leads to depression ( Why? Our time is limited. To waste time is the worst sin. (Mata Amritanandamayi) Because nobody can postpone his death! I have helped quite a lot of people who are wasting their time: 1.) For seeing TV. 2.) On a smartphone. 3.) Social

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What is Spirituality? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What is Spirituality? ( The Buddhists reject all kind of Spirituality, they want only Nirvana… And all Spirituality is a distraction from their purpose to go to Nirvana… the extinction of the ego. Nirvana should be perfect peace and calmness. Even to feel bliss and love is

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Why do the Japanese live longer? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Why do the Japanese live longer? ( The Life Expectancy of a Japanese is 84.75 years. Only Monaco has a higher Life Expectancy of 89.75 years. Never the less Japan has over 50000 people over 100 years old… They are thinner, working harder and best until they

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What is the Gear Acquisition Syndrome? can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: What is the Gear Acquisition Syndrome? ( The Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) is the all-consuming desire to expand our collection of gear. People became bankrupt, divorced and took suicide through their GAS. The idea is that we need the best equipment to make the best… The reason

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Fear of Death can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fear of Death ( Who is afraid of his death, his life is already gone… Fear only Allah I came across a YouTube (never say die) of the longest living people of the world, they live in Bama Yao County (China/Vietnam border). In Bama are living quite

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Act or Complain

Is not complaining an act of procrastination? Remember when you complained inside or outside, did it helped? When You started to act or to change the circumstances the complaining stopped. Because when we change the environment in our favor the reason for Complaining ends. Was not the complaining necessary to change the circumstances? If we

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True Religion

The basis of a true Religion is: Honesty: Honesty, regardless what matter it is. The Great Saint Ramakrishna (the Gospel of Ramakrishna), who became famous through his love to the Lord said: he never can sacrifice his honesty, regardless what. Or Ramakrishna said: when he sees a totally honest person he knows that this is

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We believe rather more in our Assumptions than in the Trueness. Oscar Wilde defined the word “assumption”. Assumptions are Expectations, of course, are simply a down payment on future disappointment. It is much easier to believe in Lies than in the Trueness. We have so much trouble to face what is true instead we escape

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The biggest Regrets in our life

My video: The Biggest Regrets in our life My audio: We all should consider living a life that is worth to live so that we don’t regret that we have wasted our time for meaningless things. I got 2 studies about the regrets of terminal ill people. I wish I followed my dreams and

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